
Like reading manga? If you're on this site, then of course you do! Providing manga translations is no easy task and requires time and effort! If you want to contribute to the cause of getting quality scanlation content out to readers, please consider assisting in the positions below~!

If you have some experience in editing or translating and would like to contribute to an awesome cause, email us at!
Let us know how much experience you have, or attach a sample of your work. For cleaners or typesetters, we have a test to be submitted.

We expect you to dedicate time to the project you're working on, so please join only if you're serious about helping out!

Open positions:
Raw provider: Scans raws as high quality as they can and sends them to the cleaners for fixing.

Translator: Translates the text and passes it on to the typesetter for text placement. Japanese and Chinese translators wanted!

Cleaner: "Cleans up" the pages and removes speech bubbles and sfxs from each pages. Photoshop or Gimp experience is require. Will be working in PSD format, most likely.

Redrawer: The "Redrawer" is a specific position that requires a lot of skill in photo manipulation and the ability to patch up areas formerly covered up by text, as if they were the original artists' work. Artistic skill is required, as well as photo-manipulation programs such as Photoshop or Gimp.  A Wacom tablet would be beneficial, but not required.

Typesetter: Copies the translated text and fits it into the word bubbles and sfx positions.
*If you know how to do both cleaning and typesetting or know one and are willing to learn the other, that'd be even better! Again, Photoshop or Gimp experience is needed for this task.

Proofreader: Your job in this position is to be fluent in English and be able to spot grammar, spelling and punctuation errors on your first readthrough. You're the first line of defense for errors when working on projects.

QC: As a Quality Checker, you need to have a keen eye for catching quality inconsistencies and also fluency in English. Your task is to check over the manga and find any inconsistencies and graphical errors, as well as any grammar, spelling and punctuation errors the proofreader might have missed, before it is made available to public eye. You are essentially the last line of defense against unsightly errors.

Come join us and become one of the hard working members of the scanlation community to get quality content out to the masses~!


  1. Hi,
    >w< Id like to join and be a cleaner and typesetter.
    I don't have much experience but i have cleaned a couple of pages, i can send via email if you'd like to check it

    Thank You,
    Proton AlR

    1. Go ahead and download the test and do it and send it to us and we'll take a look!

  2. is this a volunteer type of job or is it a paid job

  3. It's completely, utterly volunteer (\ ^_~/) *, unless of course you consider smiles and happiness as payment ^~^ .....which most of us here do :D

  4. Ayo, just a bored guy looking for something to do. I'm totally game to be a quality checker, since my duties in my gaming community are now complete and I've resigned. All I do now is update anime shows on my buddies website and read manga while waiting for my next semester.

    Is there anyone specific that I should contact or get a hold of? I can be a proof-reader as well. Both if necessary.

  5. Hi! I am interested in being a cleaner, typesetter and/or proofreader!

  6. umm.. is it still okay to join?

    1. Of course. We are always accepting new members. Just shoot us an email.

  7. Hi I can read Chinese, and since summer's here, why not spend my time with y'all?

  8. Hello, I was wondering if the proofreader position was still open?

  9. Hi, would I need to send a CV?

  10. I really want to help with proof reading and I'm pretty good at it even though this will probably be my first time. I'm fluent in English because I want to enter the literary field. I've managed to find grammatical errors even in published pieces of work at the first glance.

    I love manga and I just really want to help. I also sent an email, but did not receive a reply as of yet.

  11. Hello there, will you no longer be doing any future chapters of the manga pastel series?? Or it's uncertain for the time being

  12. Hi! I'm a complete newbie to scanlating but I wanna help out in being a cleaner because I have adequate experience in PhotoShop. So I would like to help you guys by being a cleaner. I'm also fluent in English so I dont mind being a proofreader. And also I dont mind learning to be a typesetter.
    Thank you so much for your hard work and efforts I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors (^.^)/

    P.S. I would like to work on the Pastel series because it's one of my favourites!

  13. Hello! As you already know, I love reading manga. I would like to help, but because this will be my first so I have no experience with things such as photoshop and such...
    However, I am fluent in English, so if possible I would like to be the proofreader or quality checker. Either one, or both, is fine.
    PS. I would like to work on Koi wa Hito no Hoka.

  14. Can be cleaner&typesetter, Proofreader or QC. If chosen, will preferably like to work on Gunjou ni Siren, but any other manga is fine.

  15. are you guys still recruiting? o':

  16. hello! i really do not know how to contact you guys but can i be a proofreader or a QC? anything is fine... if you are hiring that is! and i really need details!

  17. Hi! A week or two ago I sent you a letter with my resume. I want to work with you as a cleaner for any project and gain experience. I can also work as a typesetter.
    My mail:

  18. Hello. I would like to be a proofreader. I have no exprience but i'll do my best.

  19. Beautiful blog since there is so much content is present and the information was quite interesting because you gave about Manhwa Scans manhwa scans so many instances .Keep up the good work.
