July 9, 2013

Kabu no Isaki 33

Hey Folks

Today I decided to bring you another exciting chapter of kabu, because I just realized what day it was
July 8, 2013 marked a very important time for me its been 1 year since I joined Roselia Scans
back on July 8, 2012. This past year with Roselia Scans have been fun so lets hope for another year
so without further delay I give you Chapter 33

Link: Chapter 33


  1. Kabu no Isaki!!! Thank you :D
    And Congratz Dustin :)

  2. And I just finished reading the last one. Thanks!

  3. I really look forward to these releases. Thank you for everything you do.

  4. This is Ukimix,

    Mt Fuji was declared world heritage sacred place by the Unesco past June 22th. Here the web site: http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1418

    Thanks a lot for the chapter!

  5. Glad to have you with us, dmacjason! X3
