July 10, 2012

Moar Updates

So we've got 2 more chapters of Rinne, thanks to Dmacjason's ninja/lightning-fast editing skills, and he was also kind enough to set up Roselia Scans' own little manga streaming site, for those of you who would like to read the scans online right on this website! :)
You can access the website here, or simply click on the handy "Read Online" tab on the top menu. We're still working out some kinks w/ the website, so please bear with it ;)

Download links:
Kyoukai no Rinne - Chapter 100
                                         Chapter 101


  1. ;D yaay! Thanks Juneliu92 :D really thanks

  2. Thank you! I love you!

  3. Will you ever translate 17-68?? If not, do you know where I can find those in english, please?

    1. No, I don't plan on translating those chapters anytime soon, because they've already been published in English. I'm sure you could find them in any bookstore or online :)
