January 30, 2013

Kagerou Days 7

And so ends the Mekakushi Code arc. Again, apologies for being late.

By the way, has anyone noticed the influx of vocaloid songs are being made into manga lately?
First, Manbou-P and his sister's "The Festive Monster's Cheerful Failure", and now 150-P's "Bookmark of Demise" series. If any of you are interested, you should totally check those out ;]

Links: Download | Read Online

January 24, 2013

Hatoful Boyfriend Chapter 8

I know, I know, January is nearly over, yet I'm just releasing Okosan's New Year's chapter XP
But it's finally out, and it's brilliant!

By the way, I spent my winter break playing the sequel to the Hatoful Boyfriend visual novel, Holiday Star, and I really have to hand it to Moa. Once again, she was able to make me feel emotions I never imagined I'd feel for stock image birds. If you haven't played it, I cannot recommend it enough. Unless you haven't played the original Hatoful Boyfriend game, in which case, go play that one first! So worth more than the $5 they cost.


January 12, 2013

Senmu no Inu and New Series

Hey Everyone

Sorry it took us so long it just alot of stuff is going on. Well anyway we have one release for you and a new series

Link: Senmu no Inu Chapter 4 - Download | Read Online
           Akai Hanataba Chapter 1 - Download | Read Online